Well, I guess spring is coming up. Everyone is spring cleaning and flowers are coming up, and the snow is melting. Pretty soon the buds on the trees are going to come up and my favorite flower, the Rose, will be in bloom.
I thought that February would never end and I hoped that January wouldn't end so soon, but I guess when they say "Time flys when you're having fun,"... means that time flys when you're having fun, right?
I'm getting excited about Spring too ...Rose-a-line...and being warm again! ;> Mom
Hello, I also can't wait for spring. I looking forward to more outside time, more trips to the lake and maybe we can go for another boat ride. Keli
I am very excited about Spring this year...it feels like a holiday with all this sun (I may not feel that way when it get's hot...) And Spring officially starts in 4 days! (or so my calendar says)
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