Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Last week we added a few new additions to the household. In fact, there are three of them: 1. A new curtain in my room; 2. A new doorknob for my door; and, 3. A new remote control for the TV.

Actually, the curtain isn't really a curtain. It's just a quilt top hooked to curtain rings. The last three curtains that we got didn't quite fit in the window, and we were using this one for a while, so we decided to get some curtain rings, and voila!

On Saturday me and Keli went to True Value and got a doorknob. My last one broke off, sadly, shortly after we got Takai. If you push on the door, it will push open, but it stays shut.

And since our old remote's buttons were falling out, a friend gave us a new remote. It was easy to install; just hold a few buttons, push in a code listed for the type of TV you own, and then you have a modern remote!

And this is our old remote.

I apologize, the picture of the new curtain was accidentally deleted.

1 comment:

Chickenbells said...

WOOT! I love home improvement...and being able to check those little things off your list of to-do's...Also, I've seen the curtain/quilt top and I think it looks just lovely!